5 Must-Have Video Script Templates for Creating Engaging and Effective Videos

As a new video creator, it was important for me to have a well-written script that not only kept me on track but also would engage my viewers and clearly communicate my intended message. Depending on the goal of the video, there are several different types of video scripts that I use.

For how-to videos, I need to break the process down into steps that the viewer can follow along with. I start with a hook that clearly states what I’ll be teaching the viewer how to do, and make sure to include why it’s valuable for them to learn. I introduce the topic quickly, then go through each step in the process with any necessary details. I don’t forget to include a call to action at the end to give the viewer their next steps.

An educational video script should focus on 3-5 key takeaways that I can concisely give the viewer. I grab their attention with a hook and introduce the topic quickly, then provide the takeaways and a clear call to action at the end. I remember to keep the video digestible and avoid overwhelming the viewer with too much information.

Video testimonials that present an entire client story or case study should be scripted. I start with an intro that introduces the client and provides context, then include a section on the problem the client was looking to solve, a section on the results they experienced using my product or service, a section on the impact of those results, and a conclusion or call to action at the end.

For product tours or explainer videos, I start with a hook and introduction, then take the viewer through the main points, features, or steps of the product or service. I make sure to keep the video concise and avoid bogging the viewer down with too much information or irrelevant details. I include a call to action at the end.

By following these templates for making videos, I can more easily create effective and engaging videos that clearly communicate my message to viewers.

Here are some of the scripts I mentioned but in copy/paste format if you wish to put them to work with a platform like ChatGPT or other writing tools.

Thanks for reading!

-Tim Branyan



1. How-to video script template

To make your how-to video or tutorial effective, it’s important to break down the process into steps that the viewer can easily follow. Avoid including too much information in each step, and use transitional words to signal when you are moving to the next step.


Make sure to clearly communicate what the viewer will be learning and the value of the information in your how-to video.


Introduce the topic quickly


Go through each step in the process, including any details necessary for helping the viewer understand how to do it.

Call to Action

Include the next step. Whether that’s telling them where to go for help, pointing them to another resource, or inviting them to try your product or service, your CTA should be clear and concise.

2. Educational video script template

Keep your educational video script digestible by focusing on 3-5 key takeaways that can be concisely conveyed to the viewer. Most people don’t want to watch an hour-long lecture, especially on a website service or product page, so keep it brief and to the point.

Here’s an educational video script template you can use:


Grab the reader’s attention, and clearly identify what they will be learning in the video.


Quickly introduce the topic. Be sure to include why it’s important so viewers know why they should watch the whole thing.


Provide 3-5 tips, facts, or other kinds of takeaways. Give a short bit of context or background and go straight into the takeaway. You want to keep these rather short, so only provide the necessary details.

Call to Action 

Where should the viewer go next? Do you have an additional resource they can view? Want them to join your email list? Clearly communicate their next step here. You may even want to embed a link in the video so they can click it and go!

3. Video testimonial script template

Scripted testimonial videos that present an entire client story or case study are usually more in-depth than unscripted testimonials. These types of videos typically include a lot of important details to fully tell the customer’s story. It’s a good idea to script these types of testimonials to ensure that all of the important details are included.

Here’s a video testimonial script you can use for a case study or client story:


Introduce the client and provide a few details that offer context for the testimonial such as who they are or what their company does.


For this section, you can ask the client in an interview format or just have them summarize where they were before they used your product or service. What pain points were they looking to solve for? How did it impact them?


Ask the client about the results they experienced using your product or service. Have them include specific statistics or metrics if possible. 


The client should explain how using the product or service to get the results they did has impacted themselves or their business in a significant way. 


The client should wrap up the video with some details of the overall experience of working with your company or using your product. Then, include where they should go next either in the voiceover or in text.

4. Product tour or explainer video script template

Explainer videos, similar to how-to or educational videos, should present the information in a way that is easy to understand. To avoid overwhelming the viewer, break down the topic into smaller chunks and omit unnecessary or irrelevant details. The main goal of an explainer video is to provide an overview of a product, service, or concept, so it’s important to stay focused on that objective.

Use this explainer video script to get started:


Describe what you will be explaining in the video and why the viewer should care about this topic.

Main Points/Features/Steps

Take the viewer through 3-5 points that guide them through the product, service, or process that you are explaining. Keep these concise, and don’t include any unnecessary information.


What should the viewer walk away with? Reiterate the importance of what you have explained. Then, include a CTA that brings them to the next step in the journey, whether that’s to buy something or get additional information.

5. Brand promotion script template

Brand promo videos serve multiple purposes, such as explaining your core values and mission to customers or showcasing your company culture to attract top talent. Here is a template you can use for this type of script:


Rather than giving a prepared speech, try to make your intro feel as authentic as possible, perhaps by sharing raw customer or employee comments. And make sure your brand personality comes through. 

Main Points 

Dig deeper into your message for the video—core values, culture, vision, unique value proposition, etc. Focus especially on the aspects of those things that your target audience values. 


If appropriate, state a direct call-to-action such as “Visit our Careers page today.” Otherwise, highlight the key takeaway you want viewers to leave with. 

The Life at Uber video follows a specific format, starting with brief yet impactful descriptions of the company and transitioning into more in-depth comments from satisfied employees. Although there is no explicit call-to-action at the end, the next step – applying at Uber – is implied by several of the employees being interviewed.

6. Company announcement script template

Lastly, video is a great format for making company announcements such as product or feature launches. What does an effective video announcement script include? Here’s a simple, 3-part template you can use: 


Whether you immediately introduce the big news or use another lead-in, you need an attention-grabber. Something that will spark curiosity, generate excitement or tug on viewers’ heartstrings. 

Main Points/Features

Get to the meat of your announcement, being sure to explain why viewers should care or how it affects them, if at all. 


Wrap up with an appropriate conclusion. Depending on the announcement, this could be a call-to-action, an estimate of when additional information will be available, or a thank you to your customers, etc. 

Special thanks to the team at Jasper for sharing some of these basic structures and ideas: